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Coaching Services

We believe in using reflective coaching tools to partner with you so that growth can occur, solutions can be found, and attitudes can shift

Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not past mistakes!


ReadyPeople's coaching services give business people a set of tools to achieve massive change as they travel a path to self-improvement and to be more potent in their work.


We offer executive and leadership coaching, team coaching, emotional intelligence coaching, and Enneagram coaching.

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Positive impacts of coaching

Coaching benefits

Our coaching offerings

Leadership coaching

Our coaches work with leaders to be their thinking partners in their journey to excelling. 


Being a leader means being excellent at the tasks you need to execute, but also a trustworthy guide for your team.


A good leader is mindful, open to change, and understands that each person is different. Coaching can help you lead, rather than just manage.

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Team Meeting

Team coaching

Coaching doesn’t have to be a one-on-one process. Just like coaching a sports team, getting a team together to define their goals, how they want to work, and how to generate results can be incredibly powerful. 


Using open dialogue, forward-thinking, and strategising a coach can facilitate the dynamics between the team, and create accountability in getting the team to work cohesively and effectively.

Emotional Intelligence  coaching

 This high-impact intervention gives you the edge!


After working through the results of the TIFF profile assessment to identify how you show up, clients will have four one-on-one sessions that open one's eyes to it and give them the tools to support a genuine change. 


This coaching will make you more effective in building long-lasting, positive relationships with colleagues and clients.  


You’ll walk away seeing yourself and other people in a different light and be able to use the feedback of the assessment to transform the way you get on with people.

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